Our backrest systems have been designed with everyone in mind! From the prescriber and the technician to the wheel chair user themselves. The hardware fitting is straight forward to install and easy to use. From a user point of view, the varying solutions from foams to gels and air, give the user the best experience. Alongside this, the BAC positioning system which can be retrofitted, presenting another simple tool for therapists and dealers to match the specific shape of the user ensuring maximum stability and superior levels of comfort.
order code FGA1154-FGA1800
From its comfortable pressure redistributing foam inner to its easy-to-use U2 compact quick release hardware & sporty appeal the light weight Dreamline Ignite Backrest System is a pleasure to use.
order code FGA1140
order code FGA1122-FGA1126
order code FGA1082-FGA1030
The FormAlign® Support Backrest is a perfect platform for attaching modular supports such as swing-away or fixed, adjustable lateral supports. This is a great solution for less active users with symmetrical or asymmetrical postures.
order code FGA1084-FGA1015