Lo Rise Swing Away Bracket

Superior levels of pad adjustment

Lo Rise Swing Away Bracket

Lo-Rise Swing-away hardware is the next step up from the standard Swing-away hardware. The main difference being the vertical adjustment slot. This slot offers superior levels of pad adjustment. It allows us to overcome the well-known challenge of hardware clashes leading to trunk positioning compromises. This solution is very useful when space is limited on the backrest.

Features & benefits:

  • Can be recycled and reissued
  • Compatible with FormAlign® Support Backrest
  • Compatible with third party backrests
Bracket Type Left/Right Product Code
Lo-Rise Bracket Left FGA1039
Lo-Rise Bracket Right FGA1040
Kids Lo Rise Lateral Bracket Left FGA1141
Kids Lo Rise Lateral Bracket Right FGA1142

For backrests, under 12”, please use Kids Lo Rise Lateral Brackets

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